Clinical Applications of Nuclear Medicine


Musculoskeletal System Investigation

Anatomy – Physiology, pathophysiology of bone diseases

Basic principles of scintigraphic evaluation of bones

Inflammatory and other non-neoplastic bone diseases


Prosthesis investigation

Athletic Medicine

Imaging bone inflammation by specific radiopharmaceuticals

Primary and secondary bone tumors

Digestive System Investigation

Physiology of the gastrointestinal system

Scintigraphic evaluation of the liver and spleen


Assessment of gastro-oesophageal reflux

Oesophageal motility

Radionuclide study of gastric emptying

Biliary scintigraphy

Meckel’ s diverticulum

Evaluation of GIT hemorrhage

Endocrine System Investigation

Functional and morphologic assessment of the thyroid gland

Inflammatory disorders of the thyroid

Thyroid neoplasms. Diagnosis and Follow-up

Treatment of hyperthyroidism

Treatment of thyroid cancer


Parathyroid glands

Adrenal glands

In Vitro Assays (RIA)

Neuroendocrine tumors

Renal System Investigation

General principles of urinary system evaluation

Planar and SPET renal scintigraphy

Radionuclide renography

Renovascular hypertension

Assessment of renal transplants

Estimation of G.F.R

Pediatric nephrology

Ureteropelvic Reflux

Investigation of the Respiratory System

Pathophysiology of the respiratory system

Evaluation of the respiratory reserve

Pulmonary perfusion scintigraphy

Pulmonary ventilation scintigraphy

General principles of thromboembolic disease

Diagnosis and Follow-up of pulmonary embolism

Scintigraphic lung imaging with Gα-67

Imaging pulmonary tumors

Investigation of the Circulatory System – Myocardial assessment

General principles of myocardial assessment

Functional heart assessment

Myocardial imaging

Myocardial perfusion and viability study

ΡΕΤ applications in cardiology

Radionuclide ventriculography



Investigation of the Nervous System

Brain physiology

Scintigraphic evaluation of the brain (SΡΕCΤ-ΡΕΤ)


Brain receptor imaging

Applications in Psychiatry

Brain death

Haemopoietic Assessment

Scintigraphic evaluation of the bone marrow

Imaging Lymphomas

Labeling WBCs and PLTs

Blood- plasma- RBC volume

Schilling test

RBC- WBC survivalstudies

Applications in Ophthalmology 

Rdioisotopic dacryocystography

Assessment of endocrine exophthalmus

Imaging eye tumors

Treatment of tumors

Applications in ENT 

Imaging of the salivary glands

Imaging of the parotid glands

Genital System 

Imaging of the testicles

Radionuclide determinations regarding assessment of sterility and menstruation disorders

Nuclear Oncology

Ιn νiνο applications (e.g. somatostatin receptors, monoclonal antibodies) by traditional γ-camera in the diagnosis and treatment of tumors

Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

Nuclear Medicine Therapeutics

Treatment of Benign Disorders with radionuclides

Treatment of Malignant Disorders with radionuclides

Palliative Treatment of bone metastases

Treatment Neuroendocrine Tumors

Radioimmunoassays (RIA-IRMA)

In Vitro determinations of Hormones

Tumor Markers in the follow-up of cancer lesions



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