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Medical Physics



  1. Evolution of Scientific Paradigms in Physics and Medical Physics.
  2.  Introduction to Medical Physics
  3. Fluid Mechanics – Liquid Properties
  4. Pressure on the Human Body
  5. Heat and thermodynamics in biological systems
  6. Basic Engineering Principles
  7. Muscles and Forces
  8. Optical Systems, Principles of Microscopy and Crystallography
  9. Eye and Vision Physics
  10. Physics of the Ear and Hearing
  11. Biomechanics of the Cardiorespiratory System
  12. Electromagnetism and Biological Effects
  13. Recording of electrical/magnetic signals from the body
  14. Medical applications of Nonlinear System Theory, Chaos Theory and Fractal Geometry
  15. Biomedical Signal Processing
  16. Introduction to Modern Physics
  17. Nuclear Physics – Radioactivity
  18. Interactions of Ionizing Radiation and Matter
  19. Biological Effects and Dosimetry of Ionizing Radiation
  20. X-ray Imaging Principles
  21. Principles of Computed Tomography
  22. Principles of Radioisotope Imaging
  23. Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy
  24. Principles of Ultrasonic Imaging
  25. Principles of Radiotherapy and Brachytherapy
  26. Principles of radiation protection

Laboratory Exercises

  1.  Introduction to recording and processing experimental measurements – Theory of Error – Experimental data Statistical Analysis
  2. Deriving Laws from Experimental Data – Least Squares Method – Linear, Power and Exponential Laws – Experimental and Least Square Curve Plots
  3. Signal and Image Processing – Time Series analysis (EEG, MEG, ECG, MCG) – Fourier Synthesis and Analysis – Fourier Spectra derivation and interpretation – Filters and Noise Reduction
  4. Radioactive Decay- Photoelectric phenomenon



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