General Pathology


Theoretical knowledge:

  1. Morphological manifestations of the cellular damage
  2. Morphological alterations of the extracellular matrix
  3. Acute inflammatory response
  4. Healing and regeneration process
  5. Chronic inflammation
  6. Immunological response
  7. Immune defense disorders
  8. Infection
  9. Atherosclerosis
  10. Thrombosis
  11. Embolism and infarction
  12. Cellular growth and differentiation
  13. Neoplasia
  14. Carcinogenesis and Carcinogenic agents
  15. Carcinogenesis – Molecular pathways
  16. Cancer diagnosis

Laboratory experience:

  1. Macroscopic examination of surgical samples
  2. Selection of tissue areas for microscopic examination
  3. Fixation techniques and tissue processing
  4. Tissue embedding, microtomes, tissue section mounting on slides
  5. Histochemistry, immunohistochemistry and molecular techniques



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